Tag: Abide
Just like we have to work at being physical healthy, we need to work at being mentally healthy
So many challenges today in regards to mental health (anxiety,...
The Disciples Journey: Week 1
Intro: The Disciple’s Journey Introduction Video
Mentioned 10 times:
Ephesians 1:1–14 (NIV) — 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy...
Experiencing God: Week 2
The Seven Realities of Experiencing God
God is always working (Last week)
He invites us into a relationship with Him
He invites us into His Work
God speaks –how?
Experiencing God: Week 2
Review – God is always at work
Reality 2: God is pursuing a love relationship with us.
Think about your daily routine. What do you do habitually that consumes your time...
Experiencing God: Week 2
God’s Work
Jesus said my father is always at work and so am I
He is working all around us and we can look and see where he is working and join him there
Ask the...
Experiencing God: Week 2
We were made to Experience God in very real and tangible ways
The truths we’ll cover in this series are foundation to who we are as a church and as disciples of...
The Battle for the Mind: Week 1
Our Church focuses on disciple making
Our hope is to help people become mature in Christ
Mental health emphasis is a relational emphasis
Maturity is to follow Jesus (head) it...
The Revolutionary Disciple: Week 6
Spiritual Realm
The 5th Sphere
Ephesians 6:10–13 (NIV) — Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand...
The Revolutionary Disciple: Week 6
We are in a war
He (Satan) seeks to steal, kill, and destroy
He attacks us in many ways
He works within confusion, condemnation, accusation, fear, lies, and...
The Revolutionary Disciple: Week 6
Eph 6:10-20 The Spiritual Sphere
1. It all comes back to our ABIDING relationship with Jesus
Eph 6:10A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
The Revolutionary Disciple: Week 5
The World Sphere
Abiding is the key
Gods person meeting with us via the Holy Spirit
Gods direction in the word
Gods people teaching—clarifying –supporting –accountability...