Tag: discipleship
The best vehicle for discipleship is relationship. And a small group is a great environment where relationship can take place. But it can’t be just any small group....
The Revolutionary Disciple: Week 2
The Abide sphere – where it comes from
Paul is speaking to the church as a whole –individual and corporate
God provided a way for us to have relationship with Himself – He provided...
The Revolutionary Disciple – Shifting the Paradigm on Discipleship by Jim Putman
The work of studying Scripture and really looking at what God’s word has to say about discipleship has been the journey of my life. It’s what I care most about...
The Revolutionary Disciple (5 Spheres)
As Christians we sometimes compartmentalize our lives and limit Christ’s work to certain spheres, but in Ephesians we are called to all humility, meaning God gets total control....
The Revolutionary Disciple: Week 1
This series is based on a new book and the book of Ephesians
Definition of revolution-revolutionary
1: A sudden, radical, or complete change
A fundamental change in political...
Controversial: Week 5
There are all different kinds of views on economic inequality, and how to close the gap from the rich and the poor. There are all different kinds of views on why poverty exists,...
Committed to the Church: From Consumer to Contributor – by Jim Putman
In this world many find it hard to stay committed to each other for the long haul in a marriage. It is even harder to stay committed to a church, where you’re dealing with the personalities...
The Revolutionary Disciple
In The Revolutionary Disciple, Jim Putman and Chad Harrington offer clear guidance for navigating cultural changes with humility. They walk readers through the Five Spheres of Discipleship...
Over the last thirty years, many influential church leaders and church planters in America have adopted various models for reaching unchurched people. An “attractional” model will...
Missions Week
Key Bible Passage:
Acts 1:8
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Our Missions Team at Real Life is also known the Real Life IDT which stands for:
A. Incorporated Digital Technology
Delivered – Week 2: God Promises
God Promises
• God Reveals – 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
• God’s Promises
Philippians 4:6-8 – Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what...
Delivered – Week 2: God Promises Us A New Identity in Him
God promises us a new identity in Him. How many times are we afraid to step out in faith because we don’t believe that we are equipped enough to do what God is calling us to do;...