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Real Life Resources

Tag: relationships

The Journey-Home: Week 4

 The idea of the Journey series is to grow as disciples towards spiritual maturity in each of our spheres of life. HEAD: GOD HAS A PROPER ORDER OF SEQUENCE FOR ROLES AND RELATIONSHIPS...

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The Journey-Home: Week 4

The Home THE HOME SPHERE: WITHIN EPHESIANS WE SEE… • Everyone has a home, but it doesn’t always look the same. • If you are married, or planned to be married, Ephesians 5 is your...

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The Journey-The World: Week 5

The World REVIEW: • We are all called to be and make disciples of Jesus. • We are all on a discipleship journey that involves Sharing, Connecting, Ministering, and Disciple-making...

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The Journey-The World: Week 5

The World • The idea of The Journey series is to grow as disciples towards spiritual maturity in each of our spheres of life. 1. OUR IDENTITY AND PURPOSE IN CHRIST KEEPS US ____________ . Ephesians...

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The Journey-The World: Week 5

THE WORLD REVIEW • We are all disciples. • A disciple is… and Head, Heart, Hands, and Feet (Matthew 4:19) • We’re on a journey to the 5 Spheres. REMEMBER: ABIDING IS FIRST—IN EVERYTHING. •...

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Wisdom Under Fire: Week 1

Kingdom’s Clash Intro: Our beliefs as Christians have been under attack • We are considered radical • In the University classroom – sciences etc.…philosophy, ethics • Morals in society...

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Wisdom Under Fire: Week 1

Clash of Kingdoms INTRO • Our culture has changed immensely in a short period of time. • We are called to live wisely in any and all situations. • To do so we must understand what...

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Wisdom Under Fire: Week 2

Determined to Walk in Wisdom Who was Daniel? Daniel 1:3-4 (NIV) Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring into the king’s service some of the Israelites...

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Wisdom Under Fire: Week 2

Determined to Walk in Wisdom Daniel and His friends are determined not to defile themselves • They were determined to do what had been commanded by God in scripture • There was a...

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Wisdom Under Fire: Week 3

Perseverance Under Fire In a world where right and wrong is becoming more and more subjective, we must look to God and His Word for our wisdom and understanding. There are so many...

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Wisdom Under Fire: Week 3

Perseverance Under Fire Perseverance: “Determination is a one-time decision, where perseverance is having determination over time.” Every year around this time research shows that...

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Wisdom Under Fire: Week 3

Perseverance Under Fire THIS WEEK – WISDOM UNDER FIRE: PERSEVERANCE Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego displayed perseverance by remaining determined over a great length...

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