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Real Life Groups Leadership Podcast: Season 2 Episode 2 – Lead Like A Shepherd

Real Life Groups Leadership Podcast: Season 2 Episode 2 – Lead Like A Shepherd

This month on the Real Life Groups Leadership Podcast, our host Chris Short sits down with

Fred Bosse’ (Groups Team Leader – Post Falls Campus) and Christian Putman (Groups Pastor

– CDA Campus) to talk about how often, and why, the Bible refers to leaders as shepherds,

and what does that mean to us today?

Some of the points they address include:

What does it mean to be a Shepherd?

The Bible talks about God being a shepherd, and Jesus says “I am the good shepherd.”

The Bible also refers to people as sheep – is that a compliment?

Why does the Bible use sheep and shepherds as an analogy so often?

What did it mean to be a shepherd in Biblical times – was it an honored profession?

What is God saying in Ezekiel 34 to the leaders of Israel about shepherding?

Who are the shepherds? Isn’t that just the paid staff?

What are some practical aspects of leading like a shepherd?

  • You can’t feed others if you are not feeding yourself. You don’t bypass being a sheep yourself – you are under the care of the Good Shepherd.
  • Knowing your people well is so important – know if they are not going to church and why – know the condition of their hearts.
  • You may need to pursue your people outside of group to shepherd them well.
  • The hired hand flees when danger comes for the sheep – don’t lead with the mindset of checking a box.
  • Allow God to guide you as a shepherd, seek the Holy Spirit’s leading.
  • The importance of Break Out Groups – Women need to be led and to lead too. (shepherdess)

Download Show Notes with resource links here: Lead Like a Shepherd


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