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Why Does My Small Group Need Guidelines for Discussion?

Connecting with and developing relationships with other believers outside of a weekend service is very important to our spiritual and mental health – God hardwired us to be in relationship with him and with others. But relationship doesn’t just happen by accident – it takes time and effort to develop. It is hard to build […]

Philippians Chapter Study

Download this ten-step Chapter Study on the book of Philippians that will help you gain a richer and deeper understanding of God’s Word. Whether you go through it digitally on your own, or print it out and do it with a group, we believe it will be a great chance to get in the Word […]

Following Jesus Together – Small Group Curriculum

This story set follows the story of the disciples as they meet Jesus, follow Him, get to know Him and begin to grow. We will follow Jesus with them in a chronological order, although we will not have time to tell all the stories about Jesus and His disciples in this series. We have chosen […]

spiritual maturity

The 5 Stages of Spiritual Maturity

This disciple makers handbook will help you define the different stages of maturity in the journey of a disciple, and help you identify and equip them for each stage.

Jim Putman's Favorite Discipleship Book

Jim Putman’s Favorite Books for Discipleship

(scroll down to download) Jim Putman has put together some of his favorite discipleship books to use as a resource for both personal growth as a disciple, and with the person you are discipling. We want to be disciple makers who are ready to give an answer, defend the faith, and teach our disciples the […]