This story set follows the story of the disciples as they meet Jesus, follow Him, get to know Him and begin to grow. We will follow Jesus with them in a chronological order, although we will not have time to tell all the stories about Jesus and His disciples in this series. We have chosen stories from all four of the gospels in the order that they occurred.
Jesus took these disciples on a journey together so they could become like Him and be His sent ones (“apostles”) to the world. If you face each situation they faced and respond like they did, you will be Jesus’ disciples indeed and in deed.
For thousands of years God’s people have used “storytelling” or the oral tradition of telling the Word of God. The benefit of telling the story is that people understand the big picture and can pass it on in a clearer way. You will find in this guide that we are asking you or someone in your group to actually tell the story aloud, and then have it retold by someone else in the group in their own w s. Statistics tell us that the majority of us actually learn better by re-telling a story.
This curriculum includes:
- 34 Week Study including stories from all 4 of the Gospels in the order they occurred.
- It traces the journey of the disciples as they meet, follow, and are changed by Jesus.
- You will experience first hand how Jesus set his first and future disciples on mission to reach the world.
Click below to download the accompanying bookmarks for print that contain the scriptures for the 34 week story curriculum
Following Jesus Together Bookmarks Plain
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