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Tag: connect

Origins: Week 4

Review: SCMD  Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all...

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Origins: Week 4

Hebrews 10:22-23 22 let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us...

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Origins: Week 4

The Original Disciple Makers Review • As believers, we hold to the faith that was once for all delivered • Jesus gave the disciples a life style to live out that made their message...

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Origins: Week 3

Did You Know? In the New Testament the word serve and the word minister are translated from the same Greek word, διακονία pronounced dee-ak-on-ee’-ah. This is also where...

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Origins: Week 3

REVIEW The original messengers SHARED the gospel and their lives The results of the original message being shared was that everyone CONNECTED As everyone connected together they...

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Origins: Week 3

The Original Ministers Share – Connect – Minister – Disciple Jesus’s ultimate goal on earth was to bring glory to the Father; therefore, His ultimate goal in ministry...

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Origins: Week 3

Intro: People question how we know Christianity is true. Hasn’t it changed over time? Isn’t our current Bible just a 2,000-year-old version of the telephone game? How do you...

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Origins: Week 2

Overview  We started a sermon series last week called Origins. In this series, we are looking back at the origins of the church and what actually makes a church a church. The...

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Origins: Week 2

The Original Church Review: ● Jesus called ordinary people to follow Him and they became His disciples. ● He gave them the Great Commission; as they boldly shared Christ, the church...

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Origins: Week 2

OVERVIEW The greatest victory of the resurrection leads to the greatest commission to make disciples Both the messages of Jesus and the methodology of Jesus are to be obeyed. When...

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Origins: Week 2

Review: The good way – Gods commands are for our good Jeremiah 6:16–17 (NIV) — 16 This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask...

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