Sermon Category: Mastermind
Mark 12:30 (NIV) – Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Romans 12:1&2 (NIV)...
Mastermind: Week 5
Review: Relationship, Rest, Remembering, Resilience
1) Restoration requires honesty with ourselves and with God
Be honest with yourself
Psalms 139:23-24 (NIV) Search me,...
Mastermind: Week 5
Our goals –destigmatize it
Help those who struggle with it
Prepare those who don’t to understand and help others
Review 5 R’s
Remembering to...
Mastermind: Week 4
We all struggle in many ways — The issue of mental health –we have it or know someone who does
The 5 R’s—Relationship- Rest—Remembering – Resilience...
Mastermind: Week 3
Mark 12:30 (NIV) – Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Physical health requires...
Mastermind: Week 3
Mastermind: Week 3 of 5: Justlike physical wellness, everyone has mental wellness to manage. The following are essential
for mental wellness:
Week 1: Relationships
Mastermind: Week 3
A complicated problem
Just like our body is a combination of physical problems, lifestyle issues, so our mind has genetic issues, experiences that shape us, as well as...
Mastermind: Week 2
Just like we have to work at being physical healthy, we need to work at being mentally healthy
So many challenges today in regards to mental health (anxiety,...
Mastermind: Week 1
The Purpose of this series: Trust god and do what He asks, Change your life and mind, Stability in your life creates stability in others’
Our hope for this study:
Bring this...