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Real Life Resources

Mastermind: Week 3

Mastermind: Week 3


  •  A complicated problem
  • Just like our body is a combination of physical problems, lifestyle issues, so our mind has genetic issues, experiences that shape us, as well as spiritual issues
  • The right understanding of the problem and those of us who struggle with this need to know we may never conquer it completely – like asthma – we learn to live with it and still function – or diabetes – it’s a reality but we can still thrive

In this series: The Five Rs to dealing with your mental health

  1. Relationships –
  2. Rest—Rhythms
  3. Remembering –this week
  4. Resilience
  5. Restoration

When the struggle comes (not if) –…. It often reveals what our lives our built on

  • This can be Gods hand to reach you –when He allows you to see what matters
  • This can be Gods way to remind you to get back to your foundation
  • This can be Gods way of training you for something coming
  • This can be Gods way of shaping you for your mission field
  • But it is never because you are a lost cause or God doesn’t love you

Matthew 7:24–28 (NIV)

What do I do when struggle strikes – I remember – Remember what?

  1. Remember your condition – your weaknesses —
  2. Remember to Rest in the truth –I am a child of God – He is my Father –Rest in your identity
    • Resting physically plus remembering rather than striving

Hebrews 12:7–13 (NIV) Psalm 91:1–2 (NIV)

  1. Remember the life style that helps you stay the course –running the race marked out
    • The life style of an endurance runner – Iron man runner – the course
    • Relationships who understand you and strengthen you
    • A counselor who can get you back on course
    • Right lifestyle choices – sleep – food –etc…
    • Medication if needed
    • When in the state of depression its hard to think clearly –Get help
  2. Remember the battle in your mind is also spiritual
    • Time and struggle causes us to remember things inaccurately
    • All of scripture is about Gods activity –what He has done and what we remember
    • In OT – the Passover –In the NT— Communion –in remembrance of Him
    • The Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10ff

John 10:10 (NIV) 2 Corinthians 10:3–5 (NIV)

David as our example went to God with his issues

  • David brings this to the Lord –His feelings
  • Remembering reminds me God has blessed me in the past
  • He was with me in the past
  • It reminds us of our calling –coming back to it –
  • Helps us line up our future
  • Reminds us we have been here before
  • Forgetting leads to despair and hopelessness

Psalm 42:1–6 (NIV)

Paul agrees – Rejoicing “in the Lord” – Who He is, What He has done, what He has promised.

Philippians 4:4–8 (NIV)

Running the race marked out

  • Take this issue seriously – make straight paths for your feet
  • Relationships –Build people into your life that help you remember
  • Rest—rhythms
  • Remember – what you soak in you produce when you are squeezed

Hebrews 12:12–13 (NIV) Galatians 6:1–2 (NIV) Jude 22–23 (NIV).


For Small Group Discussion:

Opening Question:

  • What is your oldest memory?

Main Point: The main idea is remembering our faith and beliefs. We hope our group members will have a renewed sense of God’s presence by building daily rhythms of intentional time to be still, to be in conversation with the Lord, and meditation on the Word.

Read/Tell the Story: Psalm 42


Head –

  • How does the Psalmist respond to his soul feeling downcast?
  • How would you describe the Psalmist’s communication with God? How do you think God feels about these types of prayers?


  • Do you relate to the Psalmist’s “thirst” for God, or have you in the past?
  • Have you had a season of your life when you dealt with depression or anxiety? How did you deal with that?
  • The Psalmist combats despair twice with the phrase “remember”. What is a core memory of God’s faithfulness in your life (or in the lives of others; ie. from scripture) that you can bring to mind when needed?
  • When is it difficult for you to remember God’s promises and focus on His plan for your life?

Hands –

  • What is something you could praise God for daily this week?
  • The Psalmist closes by putting his hope in God despite the circumstances. In what area do you currently need to place your hope in God?

Supporting Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:4-5, Ephesians 1:13-14, Matthew 6:25-27 Tips and Resources: One Minute Pause APP, Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel

There are many more resources for this series linked at: https://realliferesources.org/currentseries/mastermind/