An Unhurried Life: Week Two – Unhurried, Not Lazy

An Unhurried Life: Week Two – Unhurried, Not Lazy
• God wants to rescue us from the busyness we have created by helping us understand what godly rhythms and pacing are for our life.
• Our culture says that we have to move fast to experience everything there is in life to experience. It also says that if we aren’t moving fast and accomplishing more, we aren’t measuring up. This mindset can follow us into our Christian walk, causing us to believe that our faithfulness is measured by how many things we get done for God.
• There are real reasons for being busy and there are certain seasons that are busier than others.
• Hurry makes sense in an emergency but most of us live our life as if everything is an emergency.
Why we should choose to be less hurried
Proverbs 19:2 (NIV) Desire without knowledge is not good – how much more will hasty feet miss the way!
o If we are in a hurry, we can miss what God has for us!
o When we are in a hurry, we have trouble focusing on the things God has built us for.
• Jesus seemed relaxed. To many of us, relaxed sounds lazy, disengaged and selfish.
o Relaxed doesn’t mean unengaged. Relaxed can be more attentive and engaged than busy can.
• Being over-busy, can take us away from the good work God has for us right now.
• Hurry rushes towards the destination, but fails to enjoy the journey.
• Hurry is oftentimes pointing to a disordered life – and a disordered heart.
o We can talk about trusting God, all the while running at a hurried pace that says exactly the opposite of that.
• God cares about relationship – both our relationship with Him and with others. (Matthew 22:37-40)
o It’s hard to patiently walk with people long enough to see them become mature disciples, so we often settle for giving them information.
• Constant hurry actually isn’t productive in many important areas of life. Strategic planning, creative thought, and building relationships all require time to process, reflect and emotionally engage in.
Unholy Hurry
• There is an “unhurry” that is unholy. God has given us things to do, and we should respond to his great love for us by joining him in what He says is good. Things like work, relationships, and our Kingdom mission.
• There are also times when He invites us to be a part of something He is doing right now.
• A type of unholy unhurry is acedia, a type of unhurry that is unproductive. It is ignoring the, boring here-and-now for an imagined better one – it is typically escapism or fantasizing.
o It’s not wrong to enjoy good things, but when those things become our priority, or even our escape, they take us away from the good, hard work that God has for us today.
• The sort of unhurry we are recommending isn’t laziness. The unhurry we are shooting for can actually make us more productive when we are supposed to be active. (2 Thessalonians 3:7-10)
• Unholy unhurry is sterile, empty and lifeless rather than fruitful, significant and life-giving.
o We counter this by focusing our efforts on activities that God says are life-giving and good.
o We should have important relationships that remind us of the good in the here-and-now.
How we accomplish being less hurried
• The opposite of the desire to be selfish and unproductive is the fruit of the Spirit.
o There isn’t one of them that doesn’t require time and being present.
• In John 5:19 Jesus said He only does what the Father does. Can we say the same?
• We can get a lot of meaningless tasks done without Jesus. Just nothing meaningful. (John 15:5)
• There is actually a sense of accomplishment when we are moving at a good, productive pace, yet one that isn’t frantic, one that also has margin to meet unexpected needs and challenges
Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
o “Come to me…” speaks about an abiding relationship with Jesus.
o A yoke implies there is work to do. It’s only easy and light because we are in step with Jesus.
• Paul talks about what good, hard work looks like. (1 Corinthians 15:9-10)
o Paul realized that any good thing he accomplished was due to God working through him.
• Being in relationship with Jesus is more important than doing things for Jesus. (Luke 10:37-42)
• Do you believe that Christ in you is the most important resource you have to give someone else? If you do, you will slow down enough to become more like Christ.
Questions to consider:
1. Do the works of my life demonstrate God’s favor toward me and his gracious work in me.
2. Is the pace of my life Christlike?
3. What about my life, if anything, would press another to admit, “What you are doing could only exist if God’s favor were upon you”?
Practical ways to be less hurried:
1. Spend intentionally quiet time with God.
2. Get uninterrupted sleep.
3. Build margin into your schedule.
4. Assess which activities in your life are unhealthy by reviewing your family calendar.
For Small Group Discussion
Opening Question: What is your favorite type of lazy day?
Main Point: God designed us to pursue both work and rest. It takes intentionality to enjoy and live out His good plan for us.
Main Scripture: Matthew 11:25-30
Head Questions
• What can we learn about Jesus in this passage?
• What does Jesus say about His yoke?
Heart Questions
• When have you experienced a “heavy yoke” in this past season?
• Why should you choose to be less hurried? What does it actually accomplish in your life?
Hands Questions
• What does unhealthy rest look like for you? What does healthy rest look like?
• Is there something you can incorporate this week to be less hurried?
Additional Scripture: John 15:5, 1 Corinthians 15:10
Tips and Resources: Challenge – do a calendar assessment. What in your schedule moves you towards God? What moves you away from God?
An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus’ Rhythms of Work and Rest by Alan Fadling
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