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the naked truth

The Naked Truth: Week 3

The Naked Truth Part 3: Dedication Review: Why we are talking about this subject? To address the tensions for believers and unbelievers—between telling the truth to follows of Jesus and showing God’s love to those who have failed or have never heard the truth. To identify God’s design for sex, marriage, and gender. (Genesis 1-2, […]

kingdom come

Kingdom Come: Week 2

The creation, the Creator, and the King… A battle begins, and the world is cursed. The devil and his purpose versus God and His. The choosing of a people, and God’s promise of a coming King who will destroy the enemies of God. Isaiah 61:1 (NIV) The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, […]

kingdom come

Kingdom Come: Week 3

Jesus is King!  The beginning was perfect both spiritually and physically. Then there was the great rebellion and its consequence, the curse. Jesus came, and Kingdoms collided. He came as a lamb to offer Himself for our sin—to pay for the decision to sin and rebel. He is a relational King. He came to reveal […]


Pit Stop: Week 1

The End of Summer Pit Stop: We need pit stops often to recalibrate. This summer, we have sought to walk through the book of Mark and to focus on Jesus. We have answered the questions, “Who Is Jesus? What does it mean to be His disciple?” and looked at Jesus’ mission, the cross, Jesus’ commands, […]

the glorious exchange

The Glorious Exchange: Week 3

A SURPRISE IS SOMETHING UNEXPECTED, ASTONISHING, SHOCKING, OR ASTOUNDING. Surprises are not always easy, nor are they always initially perceived as positive.   1. THE SURPRISE OF THE EMPTY TOMB TESTS OUR _____________. Luke 24:1–8 1On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared […]

the glorious exchange

The Glorious Exchange: Week 3

Luke 24:1–8 1On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they were wondering about […]

the glorious exchange

The Glorious Exchange: Week 3

A GOD WHO SURPRISES: Manger Teachings Miracles Donkey & Palm Sunday Foot Washing Communion Dying MATTHEW 28:1-20 HE ISN’T HERE! 1Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb. 2Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came […]

one minute after you die

One Minute After You Die: Week 1 – Craig Miles

THERE’S A LOT OF CONFUSION AS TO WHAT HAPPENS AFTER WE DIE. Nothingness, reincarnation, different versions of paradise, angels, ghosts, Purgatory, etc. Because there are so many views we have to ask the question, “Which view is correct?” In order to answer that question, we have to ask, “Who has the right to speak authoritatively […]

one minute after you die

One Minute After You Die: Week 1 – Gabe Cleeve

NEW SERIES! During this 5-week series, we will be discussing the realities of life after death. Week 5 (May 24th & 26th): We will have the honor of having Randy Alcorn here with us, and we will be asking him questions that you have about these topics. You can send those questions to [email protected] This […]

one minute after you die

One Minute After You Die: Week 1 – Jim Putman

 There are so many religions and so many voices!  Atheism, Buddhism & Hinduism, Islam & Allah, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses…  Even within Christian circles, there is so much confusion. Remember, there are some things we can disagree about and still be Christians, but there are some things that we must agree on and understand or we […]

one minute after you die

One Minute After You Die: Week 2 – Jim Blazin

1. Why is there a _______________? In order to understand God’s judgement, you must let go of the belief that you are good enough to be righteous in spite of your sin. Sin entered the world through disobedience. The law was broken – law was built around the character of God – His righteousness & […]

one minute after you die

One Minute After You Die: Week 2

Life & Death Timeline Chart Eternity Rope: 1 dot = 1000 years / 1 fiber = your lifespan (2 Peter 3:8) WE ____________________ CAN BE CONFIDENT! You can be confident that…____________________ will be judged. – “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment…”          […]

one minute after you die

One Minute After You Die: Week 2

In our world today the word Judgement for many people carries significant negativity… Don’t make snap Judgements Don’t Judge on appearances Don’t Judge a book by it’s cover This impacts the way we perceive & understand the “Judgement” that God talks about in His Word. Often times when people think about Judgement in the Bible, […]

one minute after you die

One Minute After You Die: Week 3

HEAVEN IS A REALITY. Philippians 3:18–21 18For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. 20But our citizenship […]

one minute after you die

One Minute After You Die: Week 3

IMPORTANT CLARIFICATIONS:    After you die, you face judgement called the “initial judgement.”   After an initial judgement, you are sent to one of two places.   These places are temporary/present realities with the ultimate, eternal reality to come after the “great white throne judgement” that Patrick spoke of last week. These are temporary waiting […]