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Search Results for “spiritual maturity
Origins Week 4 with Jim P and Keith S

Origins: Week 4

The Original Disciple Makers Review • As believers, we hold to the faith that was once for all delivered • Jesus gave the disciples a life style to live out that made their message credible and He gave them and a process to follow • Every believer is a Disciple –Following Jesus, Changed by Jesus, […]

Origins Week 3 with Craig M

Origins: Week 3

Intro: People question how we know Christianity is true. Hasn’t it changed over time? Isn’t our current Bible just a 2,000-year-old version of the telephone game? How do you know who to believe when different churches believe different things? In this “Origins” series we are looking at the origins of our Christian faith to see […]

The Disciples Journey

Our Story ABOUT THE DISCIPLE’S JOURNEY The Disciple’s Journey Workbook is a twelve week study that will help guide you, individually or with a group, along the road to becoming, growing, and living out your lives as disciples of Jesus. Using the lens of Ephesians, you will be able to gain insights, tools and practical […]

The Disciple’s Journey Podcasts

Companion Podcasts (In these podcasts Jim goes deeper into each week of The Disciple’s Journey Workbook ) Introduction Jim’s introduction to his workbook, The Disciple’s Journey. He defines some of the terms used in the workbook and what the journey looks like. Watch Leader’s Guide Jim does a quick overview of The Disciple’s Journey Leader’s […]

Asking Questions

Why You Need to ask Your Disciple Questions to Help Them Grow: by Jim Putman

The art of asking questions, listening to answers, and directing the conversation is something Jesus was a master at. And this process is one of our biggest tools to use in discipling others and determining where they are in the process. With that in mind, here are 4 questions that can help you both build […]

The Greatest Week 2 with Gabe C

The Greatest: Week 2

This week we are looking at who is the greatest in the kingdom. All believers are a part of the Kingdom of God. When we become a follower of Jesus our primary allegiance changes to reflect the life of a citizen of that kingdom. There are many differences between living for the world and living […]

Experiencing God Week 7 with Jim P

Experiencing God: Week 7

Reality 7: You come to know God by experience as you obey Him, and He accomplishes His work through you WE EXPERIENCE God when we are with Him in relationship In that relationship, He reveals Himself and we join Him in what He is doing We cannot experience Him if we won’t surrender to Him […]

The Real Life Groups Leadership Podcast: Ep. 3 – Three Ways To Ruin a Small Group

In this episode of the Real Life Groups Leadership Podcast, host Chris Short is joined by Real Life Ministries Post Falls Groups Team Leader Fred Bosse’, and Shannon Kay – Real Life Ministries Post Falls Women’s Team Leader. They are talking today about some of the things that can (unintentionally) ruin a small group. The […]

real life resources profile

The Church Sphere Resources

This is the Body of Christ, our Spiritual family that encompasses all that Jesus intended for His Church, and what was modeled by the first disciples in the book of Acts. This includes being devoted to teaching, to fellowship and to prayer. Taking communion together, meeting in large and small groups, giving to the Lord’s […]

Relationships show spiritual maturity

The Core of Discipleship – Jim Putman

In recent years, “discipleship” has become the new buzzword. As a result, we’ve seen churches begin to make a shift toward helping people grow in their spiritual maturity, and utilize the best means to that end. Leaders have begun to recognize that disciple making involves spending time with the person being discipled outside of a […]

myth busters

Myth Busters: Week 3

MYTH: “I’VE BEEN IN CHURCH A LONG TIME, SO I’M SPIRITUALLY MATURE.” OTHER __________________ SPIRITUAL MATURITIES: • Bible knowledge • Important position • Busy for Jesus • Give lots of money away • Minimal earthly ties • Opinionated • Legalistic • I’m good • Super-spiritual   7 NECESSARY INGREDIENTS FOR _______________: 1. Time: spending time […]

myth busters

Myth Busters: Week 3

THIS WEEK’S MYTH: “I’VE BEEN ATTENDING CHURCH ALL MY LIFE, SO I’M A MATURE BELIEVER.” SPIRITUAL MATURITY: WHAT IS IT?  Loving and valuing what Jesus loves and values  Continually growing and being more and more like Jesus  A life-long process that is obtained through relationship with God and others WHAT DOES JESUS LOVE AND VALUE? […]

myth busters

Myth Busters: Week 3

THIS WEEK’S MYTH: “I HAVE BEEN ATTENDING CHURCH MY WHOLE LIFE, SO I AM A MATURE BELIEVER.”  Remember:   Our mission is to make disciples, baptize, and teach to obey all Jesus commanded.   Our mission is to do with others what Jesus did with the first disciples.   They did this in the church. […]

one faith body family

One: Week 2

EPHESIANS 4 BOTH CONFRONTS MANY THINGS THAT DIVIDE THE CHURCH AND ENCOURAGES US TO BE ONE. one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, one Father of all It talks about our Heavenly Father because it is implied there is one Family. EPHESIANS 2 TALKS ABOUT JEWS AND GENTILES […]

the journey

The Journey-Introduction: Week 1

The Journey A LACK OF ALIGNMENT and where it has gotten us as a country: • Some don’t know what and why this country was about. Some came here so they could freely do what they wanted. There’s no longer a common accepted history, common goals, nor common values. • As a church, this has been […]

the journey

The Journey-Church: Week 3

The Church PURPOSE OF THIS SERIES: • To help us understand what it means to be and to make disciples of Jesus. • To Encourage us in our growth towards Spiritual Maturity TODAY WE’RE TALKING ABOUT THE CHURCH SPHERE. If you ask Christians today “What is the Church?”, you will get answers like: o It’s […]