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What Does The Bible Say About Praying In Tongues? Podcast with Jim Putman

What Does The Bible Say About Praying In Tongues? Podcast with Jim Putman

Lance and Jim are back to answer some more questions about prayer. In this episode they address the topics of praying in tongues and praying for the dead. When it comes to the topic of prayer, there is often division among believers. Charismatic issues have even been known to be the cause of many church splits.

There are two main viewpoints on this matter: secessionism and continuationism.

  • Secessionists believe that spiritual gifts were given by God for a specific period of time to authenticate the work of the apostles.
  • Continuationists, on the other hand, contend that spiritual gifts are still active and relevant today.

When you look at the extremes, some would say that if you’re not praying in tongues, then you’re not tapping into the full power of God. On the other end of the spectrum, there are those that claim speaking in tongues is demonic.

Jim and Lance address the fact that in our church gatherings and wherever we come together as believers, we strive to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the New Testament.

Ultimately, our experiences should be evaluated in light of what Scripture teaches – we must measure them against God’s Word.