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Lost in Translation: Friendship – The Overtime Podcast

Lost in Translation: Friendship – The Overtime Podcast

In this episode of The Overtime Podcast, Senior Pastor Jim Putman and Campus Lead Blake Whiteman continue their deep dive into the current sermon series, Lost in Translation.
The focus of this episode is on the biblical concept of friendship. Jim and Blake discuss how the world’s definition of friendship has shifted from the original meanings found in Scripture, leading to weakened relationships and isolation.
By unpacking Hebrew and Greek terms for friendship, exploring key biblical texts, and sharing personal stories, Jim and Blake challenge listeners to reconsider what true friendship looks like through a Christ-centered lens.
Some of the things they address:
  • The Biblical concept of Friendship: What did this term originally mean in scripture in the context it was used in?


  • Cultural Definition: How does our culture define friendship now and how is it different from the Biblical view?


  • Wisdom from Proverbs:
    Proverbs offers wisdom on evaluating friendships, underscoring the importance of choosing friends wisely. A key takeaway: “If you want good friends, you need to be a good friend.”


  • The Danger of Isolation:
    The Bible warns against isolation (Proverbs 18:1), which leads to vulnerability. Isolation doesn’t always mean physical separation; it can also appear as emotional withdrawal, even in busy or populated environments.


  • The Role of Friendship in Faith:
    Friendship is an essential part of spiritual maturity and a key factor in staying rooted in the faith.


Next Steps:
  1. Evaluate Your Friendships: Take time to assess your relationships in light of the biblical definitions discussed. Are there friendships that need more intentional investment or reevaluation?
  2. Be Vulnerable: Commit to being more open with your friends about your struggles. As Jim said, “Humility is saying, ‘I need help,’” and building strong friendships requires vulnerability.
  3. Prioritize Relationships: Consider areas where busyness may be getting in the way of deeper friendships. Carve out time to engage in meaningful conversations and be present with others.
  4. Get Connected: Join or recommit to a small group or life group in your church community. Consistent interaction and support from a group will help you grow spiritually and build lasting friendships.
  5. Model Friendship for Your Family: Show your children and family members what it means to invest in relationships by staying committed and fighting for deep, Christ-centered friendships.
This episode of the podcast challenges us to rethink what true friendship looks like in a world that often values convenience over commitment. By returning to the biblical foundations of friendship, we are encouraged to deepen our relationships, becoming both better friends and receivers of true friendship. As Jim and Blake stress, lasting friendships are essential for a thriving faith life, providing support, accountability, and shared joy on the journey.
Make sure to tune in next week as the series continues with a discussion on worship and the impact of cultural definitions of tolerance.

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