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The Real War: The Shield of Faith – The Overtime Podcast

The Real War: The Shield of Faith – The Overtime Podcast

Podcast Show Notes: The Real War – Week 5: The Shield of Faith

Welcome back to Real Life Overtime! This week, we continue our series, The Real War, by exploring the Shield of Faith from Ephesians 6:16. Faith is more than belief—it’s an active trust in God that protects us from the enemy’s attacks. The enemy uses doubt, deception, and discouragement like fiery arrows, aiming to shake our confidence in God. But when we take up the shield of faith—especially together as the body of Christ—we can stand firm and overcome.

In this episode, the teaching team unpacks the biblical concept of faith, the nature of spiritual warfare, and how we can help one another stand strong.

Key Takeaways

The Shield of Faith Protects Us from the Enemy’s Attacks

  • In ancient times, Roman shields were often soaked in water to extinguish flaming arrows.
  • Similarly, when our faith is saturated in God’s Word, it has the power to quench the enemy’s lies and deception.
  • Faith is not just belief in God but trust in Him and His promises.

The Enemy’s Primary Tactic is Doubt

  • Satan attacked Eve in the Garden with the question, “Did God really say…?” (Genesis 3:1).
  • He tempted Jesus in the wilderness by questioning His identity: “If you are the Son of God…” (Matthew 4:3).
  • Doubt itself isn’t sin, but when it leads to unbelief and rebellion, it becomes dangerous.

True Faith is More than Just Intellectual Agreement

  • Many people claim to have faith because they believe in God, but even demons believe in God (James 2:19).
  • True, saving faith is not just belief—it’s trust and obedience.
  • Like sitting in a chair, faith is demonstrated when we actively place our weight on God and His promises.

Faith is Meant to Be Strengthened in Community

  • In battle, Roman soldiers locked their shields together to form a protective wall.
  • When our faith is weak, we need others to come alongside us and help us stand firm.
  • Sharing struggles, doubts, and victories within a trusted community strengthens the whole body of Christ.

Faith Grows Through Trials

  • James 1:2-4 reminds us that trials test and strengthen our faith, producing perseverance and maturity.
  • A strong faith isn’t shiny and new—it bears the marks of battle, with dents, scratches, and scars.
  • We are called to stand firm, not retreat, because there is no armor for the back (Ephesians 6:13).

Discussion Questions

  • How do you personally define faith? – Is it just believing God exists, or is it trusting Him with your life?
  • Where is the enemy attacking your faith right now? – Are you struggling with doubt, fear, or discouragement?
  • How do you respond to doubt? – Do you press into God, or do you isolate yourself?
  • How can we better support one another in faith? – What does it look like to “link shields” with those in your community?
  • Can you recall a time when God strengthened your faith through a trial? – How did He reveal His faithfulness?

Action Steps for This Week

1. Soak Your Faith in God’s Word

  • Just as the Roman shield was soaked in water, soak your faith in Scripture.
  • Set aside time daily to read and meditate on God’s promises.

2. Stand Firm Against Doubt

  • Recognize when the enemy is trying to plant seeds of doubt.
  • Replace lies with the truth of God’s Word and pray for strength.

3. Lock Shields with Others

  • Don’t fight alone—reach out to a trusted friend or small group.
  • Encourage someone who is struggling with doubt or spiritual warfare.

4. Share Your Faith Journey

  • Be vulnerable about your doubts and struggles, creating a safe space for others to do the same.
  • Remember that faith isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about trusting the One who does.

5. Remember God’s Faithfulness

  • Reflect on past victories and how God has carried you through trials.
  • Journal or share testimonies of God’s faithfulness with your group.

Closing Encouragement

Faith is not about having a perfect, doubt-free life—it’s about standing firm in God’s truth even when you can’t see the full picture. The enemy will try to make you doubt your identity, your salvation, and God’s promises. But God has already won the battle!

As you go through this week, take up the shield of faith. Soak it in Scripture, lock arms with others, and press on with confidence. You are not alone—God is with you, and your church family is standing beside you. Keep pressing on, Church!

Scripture References

  • Ephesians 6:10-18 – The Armor of God
  • Genesis 3:1 – Satan’s deception in the Garden
  • Matthew 4:1-11 – Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness
  • James 1:2-4 – Trials produce perseverance
  • James 2:19 – Even demons believe in God
  • Jude 20-23 – Build up your faith, rescue those in doubt


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