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Real Life Resources

ALL IN: Week 4 – Jim Blazin

ALL IN: Week 4 – Jim Blazin

Passages to consider: 1 Chronicles 29:10-20

1. What about the sermon resonated with you?

2. Read 1 Chronicles 29:10-20. What stands out to you about David’s Thanks and Giving?

3. How has your understanding of generosity changed as you follow Jesus? A) How has it changed during this season to be ALL IN?

4. What practical steps are you taking to grow in how you steward your time, your resources, your abilities?

5. What do you want to repeat or do differently this coming year?

6. How can you encourage each other in what you have discussed?

Next week: New Series about Christmas is coming: Distractions (Week 1): Focus

Passages to prepare: Isaiah 9:6, 7; Luke 1:26-38; Luke 10:38-42; Psalm 119:105