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Do You Want To Be a More Effective Disciple Maker? Download These 3 Key’s To Get Started!

Do You Want To Be a More Effective Disciple Maker? Download These 3 Key’s To Get Started!

Jesus was the master disciple maker, and we can study His methods and imitate Him. None of us will ever be perfect at making disciples, but we can look to Him as our perfect example if we want to be a Disciple Maker.  Being intentional like Jesus was in what we do is what will drive our disciple making.

But I’m not qualified to be a Disciple Maker!

At this point you may be thinking, “I never had anyone intentionally disciple me. How can I disciple someone else?” Well the good news is, even if you have never been intentionally disciples, you can learn to become a disciple maker! Don’t be put off by the term leader. Leadership is influence, and we all influence someone in our lives. Jesus would not have given us the commision to go out into all the world and make disciples            (Matthew 28:19) if it was something that could only be done by someone who is gifted in leadership.

So discipling others doesn’t require the gift of leadership, and it also doesn’t require a program or a Bible degree. When disciple making is reduced to a program, people often fail to connect it to a lifestyle. We can be conditioned to follow a list or lesson plan and miss the relationships and dynamics of what it means to be and make disciples. An effective disciple-maker knows how to take discipleship from theory into practice. In our relationship with those we are discipling, we are transparent with our own lives. We model our relationship with Jesus and how it is lived out in every sphere of our life.

In our relationship with those we are discipling, we are transparent with our own lives. We model our relationship with Jesus and how it is lived out in every sphere of our life. Share on X

Discipling others may not require a degree or a program- but it does require a process. Disciple Makers need to be intentional. Download the booklet below to find 3 quick suggestions that can help you become more intentional with your planning, your presence, and your example.

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