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Identify, Equip and Release Leaders and Function as a Team

In a world where individualism often reigns supreme, there’s something truly remarkable about a unified team working towards a common goal. This concept isn’t just limited to sports or business; it’s at the very heart of what the church is meant to be.

As the early church grew, we see the emergence of assigned roles within the team. The apostles would travel to new towns, sharing the gospel and establishing churches. They would then raise up local leaders – elders, pastors, and ministry leaders – to continue the work. This structure ensured that the mission could expand and sustain itself long after the original disciples were gone.

The growth of the church wasn’t without its challenges. The letters of Paul often addressed conflicts and issues within various congregations. However, these struggles became opportunities for progress and practice. The early believers continued to grow in their faith, working through difficulties and learning to embody the teachings of Christ more fully.