Do You Know Who You Are? You Are a Disciple

Do You Know Who You Are? You Are a Disciple
You are called to be a disciple.
Let me start you off with making it clear that if you have truly accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, you are a disciple. A disciple has not only been drawn to Jesus, they have also accepted the invitation. If God drew you then He has a purpose for you that includes the blessing of a relationship with you, as well as a plan to bring glory to Himself through you. We can and should be confident in who God can help us become. As you come to understand and learn about the people Jesus chose to be His disciples, you will develop the confidence that it’s not about how great you and I are, but about how great our God is.
As you come to understand and learn about the people Jesus chose to be His disciples, you will develop the confidence that it’s not about how great you and I are, but about how great our God is. Share on XJesus did not choose people that the educated religious people of the day would have chosen. In fact this is one of the reasons they rejected Jesus as the Messiah. He chose those who were considered the uneducated (like Peter, James, and John–mere fishermen). He chose Matthew who was a tax collector (a betrayer to his people and considered too sinful to even touch). He chose a Zealot (considered a radical). I think you get the point. There is no excuse for not being a disciple as Jesus defined it. I believe that Jesus chose whom He chose so that none of us would ever have an excuse. He also chose whom He chose so that people would know it’s not about how great we are, but about what a great God can do with broken people.
As you read the story of Jesus in the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), you will see the constant failings of those who were already His disciples-and through this you also see Jesus’ grace.
Take a look at the statements below. Do any of them describe why you might not consider yourself an acceptable disciple?
- I don’t have enough biblical education – a bible college degree. Read: Acts 4:13
- I struggle with sin. Read Romans 7:14 and Romans 8
- I have a terrible past. Read Luke 5:27-29
- I am not a good speaker or musician. Read Acts 4:13
- I haven’t ever had anyone tell me I was a disciple. (You have now!)
- I haven’t had anyone disciple me.
It is my hope that as you read scripture from a discipleship mindset you will begin to see these excuses fall away from your thinking.
As disciples, we must learn that we are chosen because we are special to God even though we are broken, and when we are humble he can use us. You need to realize and accept that you will never be done growing in your understanding, attitudes, or abilities, as long as you live. You can become more mature in Christ, but you will never be fully mature until you are fully transformed by Christ in our final destination – the new heaven and earth.
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