As Christians we sometimes compartmentalize our lives and limit Christ’s work to certain spheres, but in Ephesians we are called to all humility, meaning God gets total control. God wants us to love him with everything we are, in all areas of life. In this series we will be looking at our lives through the five spheres framework – where we find that the spiritual revolution that we seek is experienced only by walking in humility.
The Revolutionary Disciple Podcast: Home & Family Sphere
Abide in Christ: With Bobbi Putman
Jim Putman’s mom Bobbi, shares her lifelong habit of abiding through reading God’s Word and journaling her daily conversations with Him. “I’m growing in the Lord everyday – it just doesn’t stop”
If you are looking for a Bible reading plan to begin your own habit of abiding, you can find a great selection in the YouVersion Bible App
Patrick Annotti talks about Abiding in Real Life Ministries The Journey Series: