Hundreds of years before Jesus was born as the Messiah, the prophet Isaiah prophesied about Him. He told us that he would be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace and Immanuel. Come celebrate with us this Christmas season as we start this new Sermon Series looking at each of these unique aspects of Jesus, the Savior of the world.
He Shall Be Called: Mighty God
From Bill Krause:
You can know God’s kind of might and trust in it even when you are not witnessing it because of reliable clues.
Clue 1 – The Testimony of eyewitness accounts of God’s might.
Isaiah was allowed into the throneroom of God. Isaiah 6:1-5
The crossing of the Red Sea and the defeat of the Egyptian army – Exodus 14:15-30
Jehoshaphat’s Military Victory by God’s might – 2 Chronicles 20
Lazarus raised from the dead – John 11
Jesus stopping a storm – Mark 4:35-41
Clue 2 – The Testimony of God’s mighty power by sending His Son, and raising Jesus from the dead.
I’m not saying that they really did see the raised Jesus. I wasn’t there. I don’t know what they saw. But I do know that as a historian that they must have seen something.