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Real Life Resources

Tag: relationships

It’s About Time: Week 2

Message text: the book of Ephesians chapters 1-6 FOR YOUR REFLECTION: Consider reading one chapter a day for the next six days, taking time to reflect on which of the four “big rocks”...

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The Right Fight: Week 3

WHAT TRIBE DO YOU BELONG TO? Who do you belong to, associate yourself with, and identify as? “I am a ______!” Republican, Democrat Outdoorsy, North Idahoan Professional, Blue Collar Parent,...

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The Right Fight: Week 3

IN OUR CULTURE, THERE ARE TWO PRIMARY WAYS WE SELF-IDENTIFY:  What we do for vocation, sport or hobby.  What group or tribe we affiliate ourselves with. WHAT IS OUR _____________?...

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The Right Fight: Week 3

THIS WEEK: WHO IS YOUR TRIBE?    What we’re really asking: “How do I identify myself? What do I do? What is my purpose?” which all leads to “Who do I identify with?” People tend...

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Game Changers: Week 1

Game Changer: a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way.1 Historical Game Changers:  The Cell Phone (Motorola DynaTAC...

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Game Changers: Week 1

 When we seek unity, we fight for our relationships. When we seek to be right, we often end up fighting against someone. John 17:20-23 (NIV) 20My prayer is not for them alone....

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Game Changers: Week 1

WEEK ONE: FIGHTING FOR RATHER THAN FIGHTING WITH YOUR SPOUSE   The warning concerning love: it will not be easy, and for many, it won’t last. (See Matthew 24:12-13; Hebrews 12:15) HOW...

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Game Changers: Week 2

1. THE GRASS ISN’T ALWAYS GREEN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE. Fact: There will always be someone who is better off than you in a certain area, but there will also always be someone...

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Game Changers: Week 2

COMPARISON VERSUS CONTENTMENT Comparison: (noun) is the act of finding out the differences and similarities between two or more people or things.2 Discontent: (noun) Unhappiness...

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Game Changers: Week 2

WHAT IS COMPARISON? (Exodus 20:17)    Comparison can be good like comparison to God I am broken and unable.   Comparison between the way I do things and the way another...

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Game Changers: Week 3

PRIDE KILLS INTIMACY… HUMILITY LEADS TO LOVE… LOVE CRUSHES CRITICISM Proverbs 18:2 (NKJV)A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart. Philippians 2:3-8...

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Game Changers: Week 3

CRITICISM VS. CELEBRATION Criticism: The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistake1; to judge as a critic; to find fault; to blame...

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