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Real Life Resources

Tag: family

Upgrades: Week 2

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard a Shaw Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925 Review – When following God’s...

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But I Tell You… Week 4

Review: But I tell you… Jesus several times in the book of Matthew makes a comparison between the way people thought about their world and the new Kingdom He was offering...

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Experiencing God: Week 3

Reality 3 – God invites you to become involved with Him in His work. Every Christian can accept God’s invitation to join Him in His work. How? By processing these four questions Question...

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Experiencing God: Week 3

The Seven Realities of Experiencing God God is always working He invites us into a relationship with Him (last week) He invites us into His Work God speaks –how? His invitation...

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Experiencing God: Week 3

REVIEW God is always at work around you. John 5:17–20 (NIV) — In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” For...

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Experiencing God: Week 3

Review God is always working –in the world and in our life –He is intersecting us with Himself and the places He wants to use us – John 5:17–20 (NIV) He has been working...

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Hope for the Prodigal

“A practical and powerful look into the heart and response that God has towards His own prodigals – and the kind of heart and response He calls us to have toward the...

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Built to Last: Week 3

"A house is like a life. The foundation is the most important part; Jesus said His words were like the material you build with. Jesus is the cornerstone and the writings of the apostles...

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