Tag: bible
Jim Putman, Senior Pastor at Real Life Ministries, shares about his search for God and how the Christian Evidences he discovered changed the entire trajectory of his life.
But I Tell You… Week 5
Foundations for Life – Matthew 7:24-29 & Luke 6:46-49
Matthew chapter seven and Luke chapter six are parallel accounts of Jesus’ sermon. It is likely that...
But I Tell You… Week 4
But I tell you…
Jesus several times in the book of Matthew makes a comparison between the way people thought about their world and the new Kingdom He was...
But I Tell You… Week 3
Seek First the Kingdom
But Seek First His Kingdom
“The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional […] Don’t let anything in life leave you...
But I Tell You… Week 3
Worldview – a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. It’s what a person believes about truth and the world in which they make decisions.
But I Tell You… Week 3
Seek First the Kingdom
• Disciples of Jesus are changing –exchanging world views in a process
• Jesus reveals the truths – the desert exists—struggle exists – the tempter...
But I Tell You… Week 2
Worldview – a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. It’s what a person believes about truth and the world in which they make decisions.
But I Tell You… Week 2
A World-View series
The “But I tell you” statements of Jesus
Stats –69% of Americans claim they are Christians
Only 37% of Pastors have a biblical world view—only 2% of...
But I Tell You… Week 1
Jesus came to give us Gods perspective on truth –light
He was changing their world view – which changes your mission
Everyone has a world view –when its formed by...
Origins: Week 3
Did You Know?
In the New Testament the word serve and the word minister are translated from the same Greek word, διακονία pronounced dee-ak-on-ee’-ah. This is also...
Origins: Week 3
The original messengers SHARED the gospel and their lives
The results of the original message being shared was that everyone CONNECTED
As everyone connected together...
Origins: Week 3
The Original Ministers
Share – Connect – Minister – Disciple
Jesus’s ultimate goal on earth was to bring glory to the Father; therefore, His ultimate goal in...