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One Minute After You Die: Week 2 – Jim Blazin

One Minute After You Die: Week 2 – Jim Blazin

1. Why is there a _______________?

In order to understand God’s judgement, you must let go of the belief that you are good enough to be righteous in spite of your sin.

  • Sin entered the world through disobedience.
  • The law was broken – law was built around the character of God – His righteousness & love

Psalm 89:14

  • God is loving and just at the same time. His holiness and justice cannot tolerate sin.
  •  God must act justly and judge sin, otherwise God would not be God. We are all guilty, no matter the degree

Isaiah 59:2; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23

  • We have all missed the mark and are guilty of sin.
  •  In our disobedience, we were a slave to sin.
  •  Our sin demands payment – The wage of sin is spiritual death.
  •   God’s righteous law pronounces us guilty on all counts.
  • Out of love, He extends a gift to those who will receive it.

Romans 3:21-22

  • Jesus fulfilled the law both in its requirements and its penalty.
  •  When we place our faith in Christ, we receive the righteousness of Christ, are forgiven and saved.
  •  Receiving or rejecting this offer is the decision before every person – you actually make a judgement first!




2. Who will ________?

Matthew 25:31-33; John 5:22-23

Jesus is qualified to be our Judge

  • Because He is the living God who became man.
  •  Because He took God’s judgement for our sin upon Himself.
  •  Because Jesus knows the motives of our hearts.


3. Who ___________ judged?
All mankind – everyone will be judged, some will be condemned

Hebrews 9:27

  •  We will all face an initial judgement – Luke 16

The Bible speaks of several Judgements leading up to the Great White Throne Judgement or final judgement in Rev. 20. Even though we can’t grasp the full details, the important point is that Judgement exists and should challenge the way we live our lives!

For the Unbeliever:

Matthew 25:31-46

  •  Judgement occurs when Jesus separates believers from unbelievers, the sheep from the goats.

At the return of Christ (2nd coming), you are already a sheep or a goat based on what you did with Jesus.

  •  If you are a sheep – you are a son or daughter based on living your life for Christ
  • The good works mentioned in the parable are not the cause of salvation but the effect of salvation.
  • If you are a goat – it’s not good news, you will be separated from God for eternity.

Revelation 20:12-15

  • There is a final judgement – those not in the book of life do not go to heaven, but to hell.

For the Christian:

  •  The only thing we can say before God is “I am guilty but Jesus died for my sins.” (Isaiah 6)
  •  Your name is written in the book of life.
  • We will be judged for our deeds and actions. There will be rewards for things done for the Lord.

Matthew 12:36-37; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Let’s Remember:

  •  Our deeds are not the qualifier for salvation but the evidence of it.
  •  We have confidence to know we are saved when we die, we will be with the Lord. Your name is in the book of life – Jesus paid it all!
  •  There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)

How should we live?

  • Eternity in mind
  •   Grateful for the exchange – sin for righteousness
  •   Our job is to be an ambassador – to take the message to the lost
  •  Invest in Kingdom work, it matters

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 Questions to discuss in Life Group or with your family and friends:

Passages to consider: Hebrews 9:27, 28; Matthew 25: 14-30, 31-46; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10; Revelation 20:11-14

  1. What insights did you gain from the sermon? A )What questions do you have? Remember to email in questions.
  2. Read Hebrews 9:27-28. What do you see in these verses – about man, God and life/death,? (Think about who judges, who gets judged, on what basis, how often, etc.)
  3. As we think about what happens when you die, what questions does this passage answer? B) What questions might this passage raise?
  4. Considering this passage, what you choose to do with Jesus is critical to what happens when you die. There is a critical importance to wrestling with who Jesus is and what he has done, why he has done it and choosing a response to him. A) Where are you in the process of responding to Jesus? B) Who can you be part of helping to know about Jesus and respond to him? Be specific.
  5. Initial judgment after death is based on how someone responds to Jesus’ offer of payment for broken relationship with God. What do 2 Cor 5: 6-10, 1 Cor 3:10-14; and Matt 25:14-30 show about what else a follower of Jesus will experience? (For your discussion you might choose only 1 passage)
  6. How is this increased focus on eternity impacting how you live today? Share what God is showing you.