Perseverance Under Fire THIS WEEK – WISDOM UNDER FIRE: PERSEVERANCE Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego displayed perseverance by remaining determined over a great length of time and throughout a series of different circumstances. 1. Perseverance is a _________ and requires _________ . 2. Perseverance serves a __________ and comes with a _________ . 1 Peter 1:6-7 (NIV) – In […]
End Times Introduction: • There are many issues right now: Pandemics, social and cultural changes. • There are current and future economic concerns. • There are political issues. • People are feeling less than secure: There is an increase in addictions – violence—mental health issues –on and on. • In Jesus’ day people were seemingly […]
Bill Hull, host of The Bonhoeffer Show Podcast, interviews Jim Putman about his story – and how a National championship wrestler who had turned his back on God, became a world wide disciple making leader- “The Bonhoeffer Show is a no holds barred interaction around religion, culture and politics. The shows purpose is to call […]
Finding peace in a world of anxiety Do you sometimes feel the stress and anxiety of life is overwhelming? Do you find yourself tired and worn down, struggling to continue with the day-to-day battles? I want you to know that you are not alone in that —I have struggled with this too. And apparently so […]
How to take back control of your emotions and remind them: “You are not the Boss of me! Emotions are a complex issue. And in the 21st century, the American culture runs rampant with them. People are looking to their emotions for every decision they make, from their relationships to their purchases, from where they […]