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A Holy Nation Week 3 with Gabe C

A Holy Nation: Week 3

1 Peter 2:9 (NLT) 9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. Week 1: You are […]

Young Adults Boundaries Series with Bryce R

Boundaries: Young Adults

This Young Adult Podcast goes through how you can implement boundaries throughout your life (ie. dating, family, friends, work, home, etc.) to create healthier relationships between you and others. Listen as Bryce Reed, Real Life Ministries Young Adult Ministry Lead, shares from His own life story the damage that comes from a lack of boundaries […]

A Holy Nation Week 2 with Jim P

A Holy Nation: Week 2

Review Context for 1 Peter Why this series Holy Nation Last week – you are chosen for …Gods possession with a purpose –to declare Next week the job description for a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven 1 Peter 2:4–12 (NIV) 1. This week –Chosen for a Royal priesthood –Gods plan from the beginning You […]

The Disciples Journey Week 5 with Jim P

The Disciples Journey: Week 5

Review: Tree rings –Abide –Church-Home- Work Isaiah 50:10–11 (NLT) — 10 Who among you fears the LORD and obeys his servant? If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the LORD and rely on your God. 11 But watch out, you who live in your own light and warm yourselves […]

The Suicide Dilemma – Jim Putman

  Right Now Media and Real Life Ministries present The Suicide Dilemma – a 5 session series on Suicide and the effect it can have on us and the world around us, featuring Pastor Jim Putman.  What does the Bible say about suicide? This series will biblically inform Christians with the truth about suicide. Viewers […]

The Depression Dilemma

The Depression Dilemma – Jim Putman

Right Now Media and Real Life Ministries present The Depression Dilemma – a 5 session series on Depression and the effect it can have on us and the world around us, featuring Pastor Jim Putman.  Have you ever felt depressed? Do you suffer through seasons of depression? In this series, we seek to inform, educate, […]

The Grief Dilemma

The Grief Dilemma – Jim Putman

Right Now Media and Real Life Ministries present The Grief Dilemma – a 5 session series on Grief and the effect it has on us and the world around us, featuring Pastor Jim Putman.  Grief is a result of a fallen world. Our hope in Jesus gives us a different response to the grief we […]

Are You Sure? Week 3 with Jim P

Are You Sure? Week 3

Review The Gnostics Johns reason for writing – the true Jesus is described –told about through them The overall message – 1 John 1:3–7 (NIV) — 3 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with […]

Are You Sure? Week 2 with Bill K

Are You Sure? Week 2

Context: Most serious students of the Bible have concluded that the letter written by John the Apostle is a response to the false teaching that was gaining ground among the first century Christians. Gnosticism, as it is called, taught that Jesus could have never been God’s Son or God in the flesh because the perfect […]

But I Tell You... Week 9 with Jim P

But I Tell You… Week 9

We live in a culture that has a lot to say about what faith is Faith in faith – it doesn’t matter what you believe in as long as you are sincere Faith is personal and has only the meaning you give it We have decided to live by faith not by sight Review – […]

But I Tell You... Week 5 with Bill K and Evan M

But I Tell You… Week 5

Foundations for Life – Matthew 7:24-29 & Luke 6:46-49 Context: Matthew chapter seven and Luke chapter six are parallel accounts of Jesus’ sermon. It is likely that it is the same sermon but preached on two different occasions. Matthew’s account is referred to as the “Sermon on the Mount,” whereas Luke’s account is referred to […]

But I Tell You... Week 4 with Bill K and Lance W

But I Tell You… Week 4

Review: But I tell you… Jesus several times in the book of Matthew makes a comparison between the way people thought about their world and the new Kingdom He was offering them. Highlighted but the beginning conjunction, “but”.   Pitfalls: A Greatly Ignored Teaching of Jesus Matthew 18: 1-14 (ESV) At that time the disciples […]

But I Tell You... Week 3 with Titus L

But I Tell You… Week 3

Seek First the Kingdom But Seek First His Kingdom “The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional […] Don’t let anything in life leave you perpetually in angst.” – Max Lucado What makes you anxious? Scripture Passage – Matthew 6: 24 – 34 (ESV) “No one can serve two masters, for […]

But I Tell You... Week 3 with Blake W

But I Tell You… Week 3

OVERVIEW Worldview – a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. It’s what a person believes about truth and the world in which they make decisions. Biblical Worldview – the means of experiencing, interpreting, and responding to reality from a biblical perspective. The definition of “but” – A conjunction that means “on the […]

But I Tell You... Week 3 with Jim P

But I Tell You… Week 3

Seek First the Kingdom Review • Disciples of Jesus are changing –exchanging world views in a process • Jesus reveals the truths – the desert exists—struggle exists – the tempter exists • Who is the I in but I say? • Jesus’ world view – Gods Word is truth –a biblical world view • Jesus […]

The Greatest Week 3 with Craig M

The Greatest: Week 3

Jesus was the greatest in humility, so it makes sense that His sacrifice was the greatest of all time. 1. Why was a sacrifice required?   Sin is so grievous to God it requires a blood sacrifice (Hebrews 9:22).   In the Old Testament, the priests would have to sacrifice animals for the sins of […]