Dr. Christopher Yuan articulates a biblical view of sexuality through the narrative of his personal transformation from an agnostic gay man to a Bible professor. He has a message of redemption through Jesus and casts a vision of not embracing our sexuality, but embracing Christ, and shattering the social concepts of gay and straight […]
Acts 11:25–26 (NIV) Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So, for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. A characteristic of a disciple of Jesus […]
Discipleship The best vehicle for discipleship is relationship. And a small group is a great environment where relationship can take place. But it can’t be just any small group. Your soccer team getting together may be a small group, but the group is not meeting for the purpose of encouraging discipleship. There are a few […]
WHY THIS SERIES? Our goal is to teach the truth and equip believers while remaining unified as the family of God. Our challenge in this series – stand firm as the family of God while speaking and living out truth in humility and with wisdom outside of it.Jesus warns his disciples about future realitiesJude 3-4 […]
God’s Design Today we are talking about God’s design for Gender and Sexuality. We are living in a time that Truth itself is controversial! Truth is controversial because it means that you and I can be wrong. People don’t like to be wrong! Don’t be surprised if you hear statements such as: • “If you […]
God’s Design • Our goals for this series: Teach the truth – Equip the saints –Wake people up – Disciples make Disciples • To be unified as the Family of God • To act wisely amongst non-Christians Jesus describes the end times: Matthew 24:10–14 (NIV) Jude 3–4 (NIV) God gave us His Word as a […]
Real Life Ministries Senior Pastor Jim Putman and CDA Campus Pastor Blake Whiteman, North Campus Pastor Jim Blazin, and Hayden Campus Pastor Gave Cleave, to discuss and answer your questions from the sermon series Controversial. The Controversial Sermon Series: Speaking truth in love has never been an easy task, but having integrity and standing firm […]
Personal Testimony – Dr. Christopher Yuan articulates a biblical view of sexuality through the narrative of his personal transformation from an agnostic gay man to a Bible professor. He has a message of redemption through Jesus and casts a vision of not embracing our sexuality, but embracing Christ, and shattering the social concepts of gay and […]
Real Life Ministries Communications Director Lance Wigton, Senior Pastor Jim Putman and Hayden Campus Pastor Gabe Cleave, discuss and answer your questions from the sermon series Controversial. To view the sermons go to the link below: https://bit.ly/Controversialsermon The Controversial Sermon Series: Speaking truth in love has never been an easy task, but having integrity and […]
Speaking truth in love has never been an easy task, but having integrity and standing firm against the beliefs of the majority is a struggle many of us are having these days. Thankfully the Bible of 2021 is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and we can stand firm knowing anything we encounter today is […]
The Naked Truth (Part 1) Having a biblical worldview means: We believe the Bible is God’s story. It’s inspired, and it’s protected. We know where we came from. We know how God created the Earth, and what He created it for. We understand God gave us a perfect world and guidelines for […]
Naked Truth (Part 2): Deterioration This week: The Deterioration and God’s reaction to it: back to the Garden. The devil has lied to us, and when we get this part of our lives wrong, it makes a mess with distortions of every kind. (Genesis 3) The curse hits the world, corrupts everything, and grows from […]
The Naked Truth Part 3: Dedication Review: Why we are talking about this subject? To address the tensions for believers and unbelievers—between telling the truth to follows of Jesus and showing God’s love to those who have failed or have never heard the truth. To identify God’s design for sex, marriage, and gender. (Genesis 1-2, […]
Purity: the condition or quality of being pure; freedom from anything that debases, contaminates, pollutes. Walking in purity means choosing to love and obey God more than anything or anyone else and expressing that love and obedience by wholeheartedly devoting your life to God. • Walking in purity is the expression of our spiritual character. […]
WHAT IS A LIFE HACK? A strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one’s time and daily activities in a more effective way A practical and simple way to make life better WE ARE TALKING ABOUT WISDOM. Wisdom is valuable. It is to see as God sees—all the nuances. Remember all the nuances […]
AT THE END OF THE APOSTLE PAULS’ LIFE, HE SAID, “I HAVE FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT…” (2 TIMOTHY 4:7-8) There is a fight to fight. There is a good fight. There is a bad fight. And we’ll go so far as to say there is a right and wrong way to fight. WE’RE LOOKING AT […]